Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lazy Emotions

Humans were created to show emotion. The ability to show outward manifestations of how our souls and minds are feeling at a given time is truly fascinating. We can go into the technicalities and the numerous facets of emotion at a later date. But one thing I've noticed is that, when we are going through a period in life that takes a toll on our emotion, the internal controls we have over them fall by the wayside.

For example, when someone has an approaching deadline at the office, their brain tells them that they need to work harder and puts stress on them in order to complete the task. But when someone is stressed, we usually do not see it as odd at all for them to be snippy, closed-off, or sometimes just downright rude. Before I continue, I want to make something very clear.

I am not attempting to minimize any experience you have had that leaves you feeling like you're at rock bottom. Those experiences are real. They are hard lessons. They are certainly no fun.

No, what I want to do here is challenge you. I want to challenge you to not let your emotions get the better of you. We waste too much precious time and energy on negative emotions that hurt us and those around us. Why? Because those negative emotions are much easier to show than positive ones. That's just what human nature is like. Think about it. For most people, it is much easier to cry at the funeral than to show sympathy to the family.

"Anger, fear, aggression...the dark side, are they." - Yoda

Star Wars hit the nail on the head with this one. It is continually emphasized that a Jedi must clear and control his mind. But the dark side allows people to release their anger. They become very powerful, but are internally killing themselves and outwardly destructive as well. Excuse my nerd rant but it was a perfect illustration of my point.

Don't let these kinds of emotions define you at times in your life. Make the effort to guard your heart. How do you keep your emotions wholesome? You actually take action by doing the right thing even when you don't feel like doing so. The Bible lists what many people have called, "The Armor of God" in Ephesians 6. When it comes to the heart - the center of emotion - Paul tells Christians to put on the breastplate of righteousness. When it came to protecting the mind, the helmet of salvation was to be in place. It's really quite mind-blowing when you think about it.

The best way to protect our minds is to have them fully-focused on His salvation and saving grace. The best way to guard our hearts and prevent lazy emotions from taking over is with being the right person and doing the right things. That's what righteousness really means.

The challenge I leave you with is to take the extra steps to control your thoughts and emotions. I realize that's a large order and that sometimes we just "lose it." Trust me; I understand that. But when you make a conscious effort to guard your heart, you keep your thoughts clean, your energy is higher, and you show more love for other people. Above all else, you are honoring God by protecting your heart and mind which are, arguably, the most valuable tools He gave you. Those are what make you unique. Until next time, stay classy.


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