Before you get any ideas...we're not having a baby yet. But the past couple of weeks have been spent becoming mentally prepared for change. My wife and I have made a couple of major employment decisions, we will be moving to a new state, and starting a new life.
Do I feel like change is a bad thing? Absolutely not. But human beings were designed to be creatures of habit in order to make our lives easier. Your brain going on auto pilot is one of the greatest gifts God gave you. So when circumstances arise that shake things up, you become stressed because your body is not looking for something like that to happen.
But change molds you. It enables you to grow as a person and as a professional. Thought it be uncomfortable, change produces results. If your workout routine always stays the same, you never improve. I believe it was Einstein who first verbalized the idea that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting to get a different result.
Is it challenging? Sure. But you have to challenge yourself in the change process in order to produce any results. Mentally, it is a strenuous process to know that change is coming. But being able to look past the actual change to the results and opportunities to come is what makes a real professional. Look at the top of the next mountain when you're getting ready to climb. If you look at all of the steps you have to take, it is easy to get discouraged.
My wife and I are very excited about the coming weeks. The transitional toughness is what helps us grow stronger as a team and as individuals. The changes to come will be embraced. Why? Frankly, we have no choice. I start a new job soon. But seriously, the scariness is nothing compared to the hope for the future. We covet your prayers and are excited to see where the road leads.
Stay classy,
Good advice!