Monday, May 20, 2013

In Hot Pursuit

The Declaration of Independence guarantees all Americans certain rights to which they are entitled. Three, specifically, are referred to as "inalienable" which means they cannot be legally or justly transferred to another party. They are inherent within the American and, not just an entitlement, but a blessing. These rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But, as Benjamin Franklin once quipped, "The Declaration of Independence only promises the pursuit of happiness. You must catch up with it yourself."

The pursuit of goals and of the things in life you really want is something that I tend to preach a lot. Why? People were made to strive after something and to work hard. This is evidenced by the fact that (with sleeping as an exception) working is the only thing that people can do for eight hours each day.

While there are numerous qualities that are invaluable in life and in the pursuit of goals, three jump out to me as the foundation for goal-achievement.

1. Consistency  

If you want to ride, don't wait until tomorrow to get back on. You are guaranteed to fail at some point in your pursuit. There will be times when that goal seems completely unattainable. There will be times when the results to be achieved simply do not look like they will be worth the effort. Keep in mind that the majority of goal-setting benefits come in the act of consistently chasing the goal. Yes, the benefits at the end are great. But you gain so much more through the struggle and the chase.

Keep going. The end is worth it. Keep making those daily resolutions and press on. Don't wait until tomorrow to try and reset if you mess up today. Your next minute of living is a new opportunity.

2. Self-Control 

As long as excellence is being pursued, this will be a requirement. While this tends to go hand-in-hand with consistency, it needs to be separate because it focuses on your internal discipline. Consistency is attained through constantly getting back up on the horse. Self-control deals with staying on the horse. Lots of the same concepts can be applied. But the vantage point is different.

Reward yourself. Find your incentives and enjoy them. Surround yourself with people that hold you to a higher standard. Make sure they are like-minded and going in the same direction you are. That way, you are not spending your life lonely on your high horse because the people you're around are up their's too.

3. Motivation

I can't stress enough how important your motivation is. Consistency and self-control deal with decisions that are made. Your motivation is why you make those decisions in the first place. Most of the time, it isn't just for the sake of working for something. Motivations are different for everyone. Some are motivated by positive re-enforcement. Think motivational posters and encouraging words. Others are motivated by negativity. These people keep "before" pictures of themselves because they never want to look like that again. Still others use a combination of the two.

Whatever your motivation, find it and use it frequently. It will keep you going when nothing else will. All of that to say, work and strive hard after your goals. You have, within you, the right to pursue them. Develop these qualities and focus them on something specific and you will lead a better life as a result.

Stay classy,


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