Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why We Do What We Do

My wife and I try to give 100% in everything that we do. We believe that much more is learned when trying hard then when not trying at all. Finding and joining a church in Hamburg, AR was no exception. 

Not long after we were first married and searching for a church to call home, we found that we both worship best when we are working for and ministering to others. We have been very blessed at both churches that we have called our respective home in that, we are loved and the people enjoy allowing us opportunities to experience and show love as well. Of the ministries that we have been a part of, Awana is definitely one of my favorites.

This is a program for children that is based around memorizing God's Word. I can honestly say that I remember more of the Bible because of my time in Awana than I do any other way. My wife and I are privileged to help with the "TNT" (4th-6th grade) group. God constantly reminds me of why we enjoy this kind of loving so much and I was very encouraged to see another of those reminders tonight. 

The last half-hour of Awana is spent in a teaching time. Our pastor's wife teaches the kids and everyone just sits and listens. Tonight was especially interesting because the lesson she taught was on salvation. Understand that I am a firm believer in presenting the Gospel message every time the Bible is opened. That specific message was obviously weighing heavy on her tonight. 

Once the teaching had ended, I went downstairs to the gym to play with some of the kids. Before leaving the room, I noticed a group of girls who have all become especially fond of my wife gathering around her. It was only once we got in the car to drive the 30 minutes home that I realized just how special that moment was. She told me about the questions that the girls asked her. They discussed spiritual lessons and several highly debated topics in the evangelical realm. The final question asked of my lovely wife was one that I think I will remember forever. A young lady asked, "Do you think God planned for us to all be up here talking about this?" That made me think. I have posted previously about playing the hand you're dealt and not being able to control what life throws at you. I still stand by that. However, I also believe that sometimes, God puts you into circumstances that will make you look to Him and ultimately, more like his Son, Jesus. 

I was reminded this evening of the impact ministry has on both the ministers and the students. I was reminded that, according to Proverbs, God ordains the ways of the righteous and sets their paths. I was reminded that we have a choice to minister to others or to refrain. I was reminded why my wife and I drive each other to continually minister even when it is not the easiest thing to do. More often than not, we have no idea of the lasting impact we have. I will forever be encouraged by the memory of tonight and by what the apostle Paul said in Galatians 6:9-10. " And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith."

I realize this post was a bit more of a rant than usual. Thank you for sticking with me. Maybe someone out there needed to internalize it. Until next time, stay classy.


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